Whanganui Bay

Housing / Papakainga
PLEASE NOTE: To BUILD in Whanganui Bay you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. The Trust is not a landlord or a property developer. Security, insurance, building and your property is your responsibility. In addition there are significant conditions to be met in order to APPLY, OBTAIN and RETAIN an OCCUPANCY LICENCE.
Occupancy is not just based on bloodline, it is based on your commitment to contribute to marae, hapū, whenua, wai and other hapū and reservation based kaupapa.
Understanding eligibility and conditions of an occupancy license.
1st document to complete: Am I ELIGIBLE?
2nd document to complete: Can I OCCUPY?
3rd document to complete: What can I BUILD?
OCCUPANCY FEE: The annual fee of $300 was passed at 2021 AGM (To be reviewed in 2023). The fee payment is to be PAID in full by the 31ST MARCH EACH YEAR. It can be paid weekly, fortnightly or annually. Your contribution assists the Trust with water and land management such as; waste disposal, pest control, health and safety issues, roading, and Taupo District Council rates.
Bank: BNZ
Account: 02-0424-0020662-001
Particular: Name of the licence holder or name to identify who you are.
Code: Your phone number (for contact).
Reference: Site location of licence holder (refers to occupancy fee payment).
(For other payments or deposits please reference accordingly: Waste disposal/batch rental/camping fees/koha)
Ngaa mihi nui...
"Te amorangi ki mua, te hapai o ki muri"
The leader at the front and the workers behind the scenes